Think Before You Pour

It’s easy to assume that the warm grease left in your pan or roasting dish after cooking would okay to pour down the sink, and that if you wash it with soapy water it will be fine. However, Fats Oils and Greases (FOGs) may seem like liquid when poured down the sink, but they cool and harden as they travel along the pipes. FOGs should never be washed down the sink!

Wastewater blockages and our environment

When FOGs combine with wipes and other sanitary items that shouldnt be flushed down the toilet, blockages can form in our homes, businesses, public sewer network and wastewater treatment plants. These blockages can even lead to overflows of sewage that can damage the environment. Thousands of blockages are cleared from the Irish public wastewater network every month.

What to do with your FOGs instead?

  1. Collect used cooking fats, oil and greases into a suitable, heatproof container and allow this to solidify before emptying into the bin.
  2. Wipe and scrape plates and saucepans before washing.
  3. Use a strainer in your kitchen sink, and empty into the bin.

Think Before You Flush

Think Before You Pour is part of the Think Before You Flush campaign, it brings the campaign from the bathroom to the kitchen.  To learn more about the Think Before You Flush Campaign, head to our homepage below…